Of course I am always late to everything! So it's getting to be the end of the Bloggy Giveaway Carnival but I had to come up with something for a giveaway and join in the fun. Click here to go and visit Bloggy Giveaways to see what all the fuss is about. Make sure to read the guidelines and know how to participate! Then visit the hundreds and hundreds of giveaways going on across the blogsphere. All you have to do is click on each link that takes to the blog. Read their directions on how to enter and leave a comment. Make sure to include a valid email address so they can let you know you won!

SO now that you are here.... what is it that I am giving away for this carnival??? Well its a packaged deal. You will receive a reuseable cloth bag from Monkey Toe Diapers for all your shopping needs (its's great joing the "Green" band wagon!), the book "The Baby Gizmo Buying Guide"- this is the ultimate guide for all the why, when and what to buy for pregnancy through preschool!, a diaper cupcake (its a small cupcake made out of diapers decorated with ribbon and a plush topper) from Sweet Pea Cakes, Etc. as well as a $15 gift certificate to Sweet Pea Cakes, etc.
Contest will run til Sunday April 27th (giving it a bit longer since I was late) winner will be announced on Monday!All you have to do to enter to win is:
leave a comment about what you would like to see more of on blogs you visit: contests, reviews, personal stories, etc. and what makes you want to go back to a blog. That's it!! ( I have to approve the comments so if you don't see it right away don't panic! I will get to it :) )
Then a name will be drawn randomly from random.org and the winner will be notified by email. So make sure to leave a valid email address. Giveaway is for the U.S. only. I am paying the shipping so its all free to you!
I hope you check out my other contests going on right now as well!
*win a bracelet from MJennings Designs by clicking here!
*win a swaddler blanket for the award winning Stowers Swaddlers & Stationary by clicking here!
Thanks for stopping by! We are always holding giveaways and reviews! So stop back often!
P.S. Win an exta entry by posting one of our banners on your blog. You can find the codes on the bottom of our home page. Just email me at sweetpeacakesetc(at)yahoo(dot)com with the link where we can find it or better yet include it in your comment here. Just click the pink comments link below to enter!!
Nice giveaway! I like seeing more "a day in the life" stories and personal anecdotes. But giveaways are fun, too. =}
I like to read personal stories.
well i give this a try i would love to try and win this thanks
I love to read stories about mommies in the trenches. Those moments where we could all learn a lesson or two!
Thank you!
art and nature [at] juno dot com
For the most part I visit blogs in which the author and I hold a common interest. At the moment my interests are organizing and streamlining my home and family life. I am also looking for healthy meals that don't require hours of prep. I like to learn something new when I visit...or at least have my eyes opened to something that I have never seen or heard of before. I would love to be entered in your giveaway.
owatz (AT) telus (DOT) net
Thanks for hosting! When I visit a blog, I really like to check out the links! ;) Usually if I can relate to a blogger I also enjoy her links! :)
I love to read reviews. :)
I don't know if there is any one thing I'd like to see more of. I love the balance of stories, contests and product reviews. It's a well balanced thing!
I love visiting blogs that have personal stories, recipes, frugal tips, and other mom news!
Wow, what a generous giveaway! I really love your diaper cakes...They are the best I've seen anywhere! Thanks for such a fun giveaway!
I enjoy looking at recipes, pictures and reading stories on blogs...
Thanks for hosting this giveaway,
Great giveaway! Thanks!
What a great giveaway!
On other blogs, I would like to see shorter posts! When I go to a blog and right off the bat I see a post that is a mile long, I'm probably not going to stick around. It's nice when posts are broken into paragraphs too, so it is easier to read!
Thanks for the chance to win!
I would like to see more stuff about families on blogs.
Thanks for the giveaway
I'm a fan of a mixture, but a good amount of personal stories - whether that be tips or something funny :)
How exciting, I'm first :) I really like how to type of stuff. I crave knowledge, so blogs that teach me something rate high with me.
When I want to relax, I love to read mom blogs. Truly, fiction could not be funnier than a mom with kids trying to get through one day of life LOL.
I have loved the bloggy carnival. It has introduced me to alot of great websites, so definetly giveaways are good.
I would like to see more wooden toys reviewed. I am trying to get away from plastic but most toy reviews I read are not for wood.
I love personal stories. It gives me something to relate to and hopefully learn something from. I go back if I feel it is useful information or if I have a personal connection. Thanks so much for the chance to win!
Fantastic Giveaway...maybe a blog for resources on where to network for special services so many kids need
I put up your button on my blog. Thanks!
I love giveaways, but I also love hearing about other peoples lives, so I would like to see more personal stories on the blogs.
What keeps me going back to a blog is basically interesting content, stuff I haven't seen on other blogs! I really love contest and giveaways, cool new websites and reviews, a great blog layout thats easy to navigate and someone that will comment back.
i like to see personal stories, pictures, family oriented stuff that helps me know that person or that i can relate to as a stay at home mom! this is a great giveaway...thanks!
I would love to see more giveaways...i think it is soo fun to win stuff. But I also love people sharing about their home decorating etc! :) thanks for the chance to win!
Money saving tips for sure :-) Thanks for the giveaway!
breastblanket (at) gmail (dot) com0
I like to read reviews.
I would love to see some pics from anecdotes, product reviews, or tips on shopping or couponing or about anything!
What a cool giveaway!
I love reading personal stories - that's what draws me back - feeling like I know the writer.
I also like seeing easy art/craft or other ideas I can do with my one-year-old.
I love honest, funny stories, and reviews are always useful!
Personal stories and reviews are what I love!
Reviews are really helpful to me because I like to hear others opinions about products before I go and buy them. And giveaways are great too!
Well of course I always like a contest, there is nothing like winning to give you a pick me up, but besides that, I love tips -- helpful ones for all areas of my life - beauty tips, kitchen tips, childrearing tips you name it tip me!
I like tips that help me save money, or stuff about going green!
I like to read personal stories as well as see pictures of the people in the story. It's strange, but I like having a visual of everyone.
Thanks for having such a generous giveaway!
Thanks for the generous giveaway! I have a long blogroll now, so the thing that makes me come back to a blog is feeling a connection with the blogger. I like blogs to have a wide variety of topics, reviews, giveaways, mixed with personal stories that allow me to "know" the author better.
I love personal stories. It makes me feel connected to a giant world.
I like a variety of content. Personal stories mixed with gorgeous photos the writer takes - not just pulled from magazines. An occasional contest is fun. I like mom, travel, fun things, decorating, and home topics.
cfp at winterscreative dot com
I'd love to see more reviews on the safety of childrens plates and utensils.
Love the giveaway you are offering! I personally have fallen in love with your product reviews and the giveaways included in them. I also would love to see some craft ideas, or home improvement ideas. Just a thought though.
Great giveaway!!! Thanks for offering! The main reason I visit blogs is usually the blogger and I have something in common and I feel like I can relate to them. I enjoy all of those ideas - tips, anecdotes, personal stories, etc.
Thank you for the great giveaway, I'd love to win! nw_wife(at)hotmail(dot)com
I like giveaways because I like to win stuff. What keeps me going back though is humerous personal stories and funny photos of cute kids!
I'd like to see more humor. I read lots of mommyblogs, and most are personal and I do love them, but the ones that have a funny spin on things are the ones I really love!
I want to read more about recipes, quick and somewhat easy but good and haelthy! haha, is there sucha thing?!?! Thanks for the chance!!!!
I love to read stories that show me that I am nt the only "crazy" mom out there. About te stuff kids do and the joys and struggles of homeschooling.
what a great giveaaway - thanks so much!!
i really love blogs that make me laugh as well as bloggers that are good at writing. i have a couple of blogs i visit daily for great deals as well.
Contests are great! But, I really do love hearing about the day to day happenings with other moms. I really love to hear what works (and what doesn't) for them in regards to cooking, parenting, me time . . . you name it.
GREAT giveaway! Love the blog.
Great giveaway! I enjoy reading personal stories, especially the 'real life' stuff. I get bored reading about perfect everything/everyone is, that is not real life! Throw a little humor in and I am hooked!
I really like reviews when they're products that I'm interested in but probably what makes me come back to a blog is writing about things I can relate to.
I'd love to see more reviews including personal photos of the products in use, if that's possible. I just got to do my first actual product review and I took a bunch of photos of my daughter in action with the product. I will be writing up the review tomorrow most likely.
i'd like to see more giveaways! i come back if i sense a humor about the blog's writer.
I think contests are so much fun and they definitely make you want to come back! Plus, a sense of humor is always a good thing...every one can use a laugh during the day!
I love to see pictures!
I love personal stories, especially when they go beyond just "a funny thing my kid said today" --although those are great, too!-- I love it when a blogger reveals herself, her ups and downs, her hopes or fears or dreams or struggles or victories. It's just nice to see the real human being behind the pretty layout, you know?
This is a great giveaway -- and I'm heading over to my place to add a button for ya! ;)
fizzledink AT gmail DOT com
I love blogs and to read the personal stories - especially some of the 'background' or history, not just what happened today. And I love giveaways!
I like reading personal stories and seeing photos of people's houses, especially before and after organization photos. Thanks for the giveaway!
I like giveaways, of course, but what keeps me coming back is the personal stories, the advice from personal experience.
Humor! I need to read about how other people are not perfect!!
GREAT question to ask. Once I'm finished entering all these contests, I'm coming back here to read all the replies.
As for what I like, I think a variety of things. Always talking about your kids gets old, only having product reviews makes me think you're just going for the referral... but a variety of a little bit of everything with some humor thrown in keeps me coming back for more.
what draws me back to a blog is easy navigation, good useful and practical information and a site that's unique-custom template, interesting color combinations, etc.
Honestly I like all of the above on blogs. I love personal stories mixed in with reviews, contests, meme's, etc.
Most of the blogs I enjoy the most have a great sense of humor and fun life stories, or great inspirational information.
I love personal stories! My favorite blogs are the ones where I feel like I get to know the writer. Thanks for the great giveaway!
I always like to see giveaways and good advice. Thanks for the giveaway!
What a great giveaway! I hope i'm the lucky winner :)
i'd like to see more recipes and 'how to's from teh crafters
Personal stories, favorite recipes, pictures....contest are nice, too :)
hafner611 {AT} gmail {DOT} com
We posted a banner on our blog, I like your website here : http://weblog.xanga.com/kristinialeanna/654103002/sweet-pea-cakes-etc.html
We like to read stories on blogs, reviews on up and coming things, contests, recipes/family fun and news today!
I already see sooooo much and love it all!! LOL! I would like to see more toddler stuff.. recipes, activities, advice, etc. Or maybe it's there and I need to search it out. :D Great prize package!! Thanks so much for doing this!!
Hmmm... I like stories, tips, tricks, recipes, and contests are fun too.
I really like your site! I am pregnant with my first, so I think I would like to see more Mom stories. I like the reviews and the baby products.
egreca 9at) hotmail {dot} com
love the giveaways :)
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