I found this on another blog and copied it all to share with you! Please visit these blogs and see what else they have to say about the CPSIA law!! Help fight this law and continue to buy handmade!!
Please, take action. This affects everyone.
This is a blog post on Boutique Cafe by Heather.
The Sky is Falling - CPSIA Issue
December 17th, 2008
Article by: Heather Flottman
liliputians NYC
The sky is falling! Yes, I feel a like an overly dramatic Chicken Little. And I wish it were true considering recent congressional legislation is about to crush the life out of the handmade clothing and toy industry. I’m talking about H.R. 4040, the Consumer Protection Safety Improvement Act (CPSIA) signed into law August 14, 2008, and the ramifications it will have when it goes into effect February 10, 2009 (now being popularly referred to as National Bankruptcy Day).
Make no mistake. CPSIA was necessary in principle and has noble intentions, keeping our children safe and holding companies accountable for importing toxic toys. We all demand safety for our children and this is the intent of CPSIA; specifically to ensure safe levels of lead and phthalates in all products manufactured for children under the age of 12. Unfortunately this legislation lacks common sense, is ambiguous and fails to take into account the handmade industry.
What you see is not what you get with CPSIA. There is no distinction between big, small, or even micro one-person businesses. Whether it’s a large-scale manufacturer importing apparel to be sold in big box stores, or a work-at-home mom (WAHM) selling customs on ebay, the legislation applies the same to all.
Unit testing will be required on finished products, regardless if the components are natural materials or if you have documentation from a vendor stating that buttons, for example, are certified lead-free. As it stands, H.R. 4040 fails to recognize that textile products are inherently lead-free. Why then is an organic cotton shirt being tested for lead exactly?
Unit testing is extremely cost prohibitive to small business, but worse, it is unnecessary. In fact, it is completely redundant if the components that comprise the whole have already been tested and due diligence can prove they meet the guidelines.
To put a real dollar amount to testing one of my products, I solicited a lab quote. I was told it was $75 to test for lead per garment component and each substrate. Coated or painted items such as buttons are $100. So my Little Red Riding Hood Shirt, a 100% cotton knit shirt with an appliqué made from 7 cotton fabrics and 2 buttons eyes would cost $625 to test for lead. Flammability testing is also required and is either $50 for a certificate per component stating it meets weight code or $100 for actual testing. So add another $400-$800 for a grand total of $1,025-$1425. in testing costs for a shirt that retails for $40. If the shirt is offered in another colorway, the same testing is required despite the fact that the same fabrics are used throughout.
Small manufacturers have no way of absorbing the price of such redundancy. And all manufacturers will be required to test a finished component/item from each batch. Easy to do in mass production—simply pull one sample from a lot of thousands. But how does one comply when your “batches” are made-to-order batches of one? SKUs will also be required for each product with a permanent label on the item itself.
CPSIA will be retroactive and takes a guilty-until-proven-innocent approach with extremely hefty fines for violators. As written, any product used by children 12 and under (such as toys, footwear, carpets, clothing, bedding, luggage, lamps, toys, books, magazines, baseball cards, consumer electronics, school supplies, office supplies, jewelry, housewares, sports equipment and so on) without the newly required certification would be deemed hazardous, whether the item poses an actual threat or not. So on February 10, 2009, any unsold merchandise (in big box stores, the corner boutique, your fabric stash, Good Will donations, etc.) will be deemed “hazardous goods” and illegal to sell unless 3rd party testing proves otherwise. By the way, there are only 14 said labs currently in the United States.
Think you won’t be affected? I hope not, but the sad truth is that hundreds of thousands (if not millions) will be. Do you make children’s clothing, toys, jewelry, hair bows, accessories, furniture, artwork or anything else “intended for use by children age 12 and under”? Are you a retailer of children’s goods? Do you resell used children’s clothing or toys on ebay? Do you participate or shop at craft fairs? Do you donate used children’s items to needy organizations? Do you belong to a church that has rummage sales as a fundraiser? Does your child play sports and get their uniforms from a local screen print shop? Are you a consumer shopping for alternatives to mass-produced toys? If so, this law takes away that freedom.
Surely this legislation can be amended by incorporating some common sense and still make it possible to ensure our children’s safety without further hurting the US economy. According to the 2002 Economic Census (the last survey of its type), small U.S. clothing manufacturers (with fewer than 20 employees) contribute over $900 million dollars [consider: nearly $1 billion dollars] annually to the economy and comprise 68% of total apparel manufacturing in the U.S. This is clearly a vital and contributing asset to our economy. Multiply this fallout exponentially when you take into account the myriad other manufacturers, retailers and businesses that will be hurt or ultimately driven out of business.
So, why should you support amending this legislation?
Because the CPSIA isn’t fair and will not function as written. It inadvertently punishes American industries unrelated to toys and will ultimately result in fewer alternatives to mass produced merchandise made in China. The concept that small producers should be subject to the same rigorous standards but with lesser regulation (and common sense) has already been fought for and sustained in the food industry, which is why your local farmers market still exists. Now this same idea needs to be applied to children’s products.
What can you do?
1) Email or call the CPSIA - the office of the CPSC ombudsman 888-531-9070.
Comments on Component Parts Testing accepted through January 30, 2009.
2) Email or snail mail your representatives.
3) Call your representatives. For their contact information just enter your zip code.
4) Make your voice heard by voting on this issue. The top 3 in each category will be presented to President-elect Obama.
5) Sign the petition.
6) Spread the word! Write about this on your blog. Tell others about this issue and encourage them to do the same.
7) Join others in fighting this cause.
Facebook group
Twitter search
Join the etsy community in the virtual chat with CPSIA Small Business Ombudsmen or send a handmade children’s item that will become “hazardous goods” as of 2/9/09 to Bobby Rush, founder of H.R. 4040.
Etsy Thread
9) Read more about this legislation and its ramifications:
Fashion Incubator
Handmade Toy Alliance
National Bankruptcy Day
5 Minutes for Mom
Cool Mom Picks
The Smart Mama
Apparel and Footwear.org
Toy Association.org
Cafe Mom
Safety and Compliance
Freshly Baked Blog
Monday, December 29, 2008
More on the CPSIA Law- I had to share!
Posted by Sweet Pea Cakes Etc. Blog at 10:05 PM 1 comments
Monday, December 15, 2008
Find out more about CPSIA and how you can help!
I wanted to draw your attention to this important petition that I recently signed:"Save Handmade Toys in the USA from the CPSIA "http://www.ipetitions.com/petition/handmadetoys?e I really think this is an important cause, and I'd like to encourage you to add your signature, too. It's free and takes less than a minute of your time. Thanks!
Posted by Sweet Pea Cakes Etc. Blog at 11:59 AM 2 comments
Labels: celebrity news, CPSIA, retail business
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Happy Thanksgiving!
We want to wish you a wonderful Thanksgiving to you and your family! I hope you have a wonderful day! Here is a poem for the occasion:
An Inspirational Poem
Be Thankful
By Author Unknown
Be thankful that you don't already have everything you desire.
If you did, what would there be to look forward to?
Be thankful when you don't know something,
for it gives you the opportunity to learn.
Be thankful for the difficult times.
During those times you grow.
Be thankful for your limitations,
because they give you opportunities for improvement.
Be thankful for each new challenge,
because it will build your strength and character.
Be thankful for your mistakes.
They will teach you valuable lessons.
Be thankful when you're tired and weary,
because it means you've made a difference.
It's easy to be thankful for the good things.
A life of rich fulfillment comes to those who
are also thankful for the setbacks.
Gratitude can turn a negative into a positive.
Find a way to be thankful for your troubles,
as they can become your blessings.
Thank you! Happy Holidays!
Posted by Sweet Pea Cakes Etc. Blog at 12:31 PM 0 comments
Labels: holidays
Black Friday Specials at Sweet Pea Cakes,etc.
** Free bib set with each nursing cover up purchase! In the comment field when ordering please include which bib set you would like from our bib set page. These will be packaged and included with your order!
** Order all diaper cakes and towel cakes before December 16th to ensure Christmas delivery for all the Christmas and New Year babies!!
** All Snowman towel cakes, cupcakes and any other holiday gift will come with a $10 gift card!
Don't forget to tell a friend about Sweet Pea Cakes, etc.
Posted by Sweet Pea Cakes Etc. Blog at 12:07 PM 1 comments
Labels: Black Friday Specials, holiday gifts, holidays, news, retail business, Specials
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Lotus Bebe Brings Eco-luxury for Babies
Collection of bamboo and soy baby blankets and accessories launched
Moorpark, CA - November 14, 2008-- Lotus Bèbè by Raulin Enterprises, Inc. recently launched a new collection of soybean and bamboo baby blankets and accessories to the eco-market.
The company, located in Southern California, was created by Kathleen Raulin, CEO and “Mommy-Entrepreneur”, in 2008 who says, “I couldn’t find stylish baby accessories that were also environmentally friendly for my own son. There were very few options out there, and what I found was pretty boring.”
The Lotus Bèbè collection includes luxury soy blankets, bamboo blankets, and petite blankies. The blankets come trimmed in 100% vibrant silk. For that sustainable luxury all little ones deserve. Each blanket comes tied with a ribbon and a tag printed on 100% recycled paper with embedded wildflower seeds. “We wanted to have the least amount of packaging of our products and also something that can be recycled.” says Kathleen. The tag can be planted in soil and in a few weeks wildflowers will sprout.
The chemicals used in the growing and manufacturing of conventional textiles can contribute to an overall decline in both our health and the environment, with sensitivities and health problems becoming more common. The many benefits of using bamboo and soy can help keep our children and our earth healthy.
The soybean fabric is produced by using the leftover dregs of tofu and soybean oil production and spinning the proteins into threads. Soybean is sustainable because it uses what would have been waste and turning it into something useful, namely soybean fabric. The production of soybean does not pollute the environment as the accessory and auxiliary agents are non-toxic and the residue after the protein is extracted can still be used as feed for livestock. The fabric produced by this process is light and smooth with a silky sheen. Some of the benefits of soy are:
· Naturally resistant to certain types of bacteria
· Wicks moisture away to help keep skin dry and comfortable
· Keeps out harmful UV rays
· Biodegradable
Bamboo is a natural textile made from the pulp of the bamboo grass. Bamboo is by nature pest resistant and grown naturally without the use of pesticides or fertilizers and uses very little rain water. Bamboo also regenerates quickly and can be harvested repeatedly. The bamboo plants used for fabric is planted and grown on family-owned farms that have been in agricultural use for generations. The raw material bamboo is selected from a non-polluted region in the Yunnan and Sicuan province in China. The whole distilling and production process is a green process without any effect on the environment. The resulting fabric is light, almost translucent, and softer than cotton with a natural sheen that feels like silk or cashmere. In addition, bamboo fiber is a biodegradable textile material. As a natural cellulose fiber, it can be 100% biodegraded in the soil by microorganisms and sunshine. Some of the benefits of bamboo are:
· Naturally anti-bacterial
· Hypo-allergenic; won't irritate skin
· Double the absorbency of regular cotton
· Thermal regulating to keep the body cooler in hot weather and warmer in cold weather
· Keeps out harmful UV rays
· 100% Biodegradable
The Lotus Bebe collection is currently available at boutique shops including Juvenile Shop - Sherman Oaks, CA, Drool – Thousand Oaks, Ca, Baby Coo – Los Gatos, CA. The collection is also available online at www.peppyparents.com, www.organicbabygarden.com, and www.theglassbabybottle.com. The company is seeking retailers and wholesalers around the US to handle their line, please call 1(800)298-0803 for more details.
For more information please visit www.lotusbebe.com, or you may contact ARL Marketing & Public Relations at 954-376-8388 and via email at: Andrew@arlmarketing.com for media coverage, sample requests, and interviews.
More about Lotus Bèbè and Raulin Enterprises, Inc.
Lotus Bèbè by Raulin Enterprises, Inc. was created in Southern California, in 2008, out of a need for stylish baby accessories that were also environmentally friendly. They discovered the unique properties of bamboo and soybean fabrics and started looking for items made with either. Trying to find items made from bamboo and soybean was challenging, due to the fact that no one was carrying these items. So the idea of Lotus Bèbè was started. There product line was launched with hip mommas and poppas in mind, who want to give their children something natural, eco-friendly but at the same time luxurious.
About ARL Marketing & Public Relations, Inc.
ARL Marketing & Public Relations is a privately owned firm based in South Florida. The firm has clients across the US including New York City, Philadelphia, Miami, Fort Lauderdale, Tampa, San Francisco, and Los Angeles. They also services clients in the United Kingdom. ARL Marketing Public Relations is a firm that develops and executes programs that help companies achieve their sales and marketing objectives. For more information, please log on to www.arlmarketing.com
Posted by Sweet Pea Cakes Etc. Blog at 7:14 PM 0 comments
Labels: baby products
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Simple Thanksgiving Crafts for the Kids
What you'll need:
Posted by Sweet Pea Cakes Etc. Blog at 3:22 PM 0 comments
Labels: crafts, family time, holidays
Monday, November 10, 2008
University Park Momprenuer Marketplace
Posted by Sweet Pea Cakes Etc. Blog at 10:00 AM 0 comments
Labels: baby products, holiday gifts, news, products for mom
New little Buddies for Mom!
Posted by Sweet Pea Cakes Etc. Blog at 8:30 AM 0 comments
Labels: parenting info, products for mom
Friday, November 7, 2008
New Emergen-C for Kids
Jennifer von Stauffenberg
SZPR, Inc.
(760) 943-2333
The New Fun, Fizzy and Delicious Emergen-C® KidzÔ Complete Multi-Vitamin & Multi-Mineral Supplement Drink Mix is Available on Store Shelves Today
-Kids love to mix it up, watch it fizz and gulp down this fun, fizzy good for them vitamin supplement.-
Foothill Ranch, California (October, 2008) - Alacer Corp., maker of the popular vitamin fizzy drink mix, Emergen-C, has announced the latest addition to their family of products, the NEW Emergen-C Kidz contains a whopping 24 essential nutrients, including more immune-boosting vitamin C than the leading brand and choline, to support healthy brain function.*
“Kids love to mix it up, watch it fizz and gulp it down so much that they chose and named their favorite flavors: Strawnanaberry Blast, Orange Pineapple Explosion and Cherry Yumberry,” said Meghann Seidner, Emergen-C Brand Manager. “Moms feel great knowing each packet contains 250mg real fruit juice powders, and no artificial flavors!”
To ensure this fruity, mouth-watering vitamin formula is the best-tasting product on the market, Alacer Corp. went straight to the source. Kids influenced every aspect of the product development from tasting to naming and even package design. There were over 100 kids from across the nation that participated in selecting their favorite flavors. The final packaging incorporates design elements from each winner.
The creative product name winners include Austin Blase, age 8, of Duluth, Georgia for Orange Pineapple Explosion and Bernadine Macedo, age 8, of Los Angeles for Strawnanaberry. The three kids whose drawings inspired the new package design include Marisa Rodriguez, age 9, of Rosemead, California for Cherry Yumberry; Alessandra Rios, age 8, of Pasadena, California for Strawnanaberry Blast; and Jake Mowery, age 12, of Cumming, Georgia for Orange Pineapple Explosion. The winner for best name and best artwork for each flavor was rewarded with a prize package of $1,000 to be donated to their school’s reading, math or science program . All participating kids received a complimentary sport sling bag.
To meet the winners and to learn more about Emergen-C Kidz, please visit http://www.emergenc.com/.
About Alacer Corp. For more than 35 years, Alacer Corp., based in Foothill Ranch, Calif., has been an industry leader and innovator in developing, manufacturing and marketing dietary supplements and nutritionally enhanced products that support an energetic, healthy lifestyle.* It produces 400 million packets annually of Emergen-C®, which is sold in health food stores, supermarkets, drug stores, mass merchandisers and club stores nationwide. For more information about Alacer, please visit www.emergenc.com.
Posted by Sweet Pea Cakes Etc. Blog at 2:00 PM 0 comments
More Halloween Fun!
Posted by Sweet Pea Cakes Etc. Blog at 10:13 AM 0 comments
Labels: About Me, family photos
Tori Spelling Loves Colorado Baby Brands
The basket included Tori's favorite Ambajam Cuddle-Up blanket along with other wonderful baby and toddler items.
Gift Basket Participating Companies:
Posted by Sweet Pea Cakes Etc. Blog at 8:00 AM 0 comments
Labels: baby products, celebrity news, news
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Photo Contest at Monkey-Toes
Send those snaps today!
contest runs November 3-10
(photography provided by Just B Photography http://rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=001NKcx_W8u_Rlcz4sYt9Qe7DtgBhQdawiNWNIT1q7NS-SX_5vp_JpkHErBH6n703V5pnwnaehhWmRqrPLfeUJvJaREpa0KWbDBaoTxy-T3VMVNzYLqEc2loQ== 303-915-9423)
Our Annual Halloween Costume Contest
starts Today through Monday
To enter -
All entries must be wearing a costume and Monkey-Toes. Entries must be sent to http://us.mc630.mail.yahoo.com/mc/compose?to=info@monkey-toes.comby midnight (EST) Nov 10 and include the following information -
Permission to use the digital image
Everyone is a winner! $5 coupon for any Monkey-Toes.com products (all valid entries)
MomToBeDepot.com's Lauri Harrison will be judging all entries. Winners will be notified by Friday November 14, 2008.
Posted by Sweet Pea Cakes Etc. Blog at 5:05 PM 0 comments
Labels: baby products, contests
Wordless Wednesday- My little trick or treaters
These are my little trick or treaters- Monkey was Hannah Montana and Peanut was a little witch. This year the weather was wonderful for trick or treating. We also managed to trick or treat at the zoo, Mr. Biggs and our church carnival!
Posted by Sweet Pea Cakes Etc. Blog at 12:15 PM 2 comments
Labels: Wordless Wednesday
Our New President- Barack Obama
Nov. 4, 2008, was the day when American politics shifted on its axis.
The ascent of an African-American to the presidency — a victory by a 47-year-old man who was born when segregation was still the law of the land across much of this nation — is a moment so powerful and so obvious that its symbolism needs no commentary.
But it was the reality of power, not the symbolism, that changed Tuesday night in ways more profound than meet the eye.
The rout of the Republican Party, and the accompanying gains by Democrats in Congress, mean that Barack Obama will assume office with vastly more influence in the nation’s capital than most of his recent predecessors have wielded.
The only exceptions suggest the magnitude of the moment. Power flowed in unprecedented ways to George W. Bush in the year after the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks. It flowed likewise to Lyndon B. Johnson after his landslide in 1964.
Beyond those fleeting moments, every president for more than two generations has confronted divided government or hobbling internal divisions within his own party.
The Democrats’ moment with Obama, as a brilliant campaigner confronts the challenges of governance, could also prove fleeting. For now, the results — in their breadth across a continent — suggest seismic change that goes far beyond Obama's 4 percent margin in the popular vote.
To read the rest please visit: http://news.yahoo.com/s/politico/15300
The acceptance speech from our 44th President:
What are your thoughts? Please remember and respect other people's view points when leaving comments.
Thank you! I hope you were able to vote and be a part of history yesterday!
Posted by Sweet Pea Cakes Etc. Blog at 11:13 AM 1 comments
Labels: news
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Halloween Costume Ideas
You can quickly and easily whip up these five amazing kiddy costumes using supplies you probably already have on hand, plus a bit of creativity. These custom-made outfits also have more staying power than most flimsy store-bought costumes, and you'll love how cheap and quick they are to make. Follow the links below for full instructions:
Bee: http://craftzine.com/halloweenkids/#bee
Monkey: http://craftzine.com/halloweenkids/#monkey
Lego: http://craftzine.com/halloweenkids/#lego
Sushi: http://craftzine.com/halloweenkids/#sushi
Pirate: http://craftzine.com/halloweenkids/#pirate
Account Executive
The Rosen Group
Posted by Sweet Pea Cakes Etc. Blog at 8:49 AM 1 comments
Labels: news, parenting info
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
Winner of the $50 gift basket from the Bloggy Carnival is..
The winner is comment #37 Heather and her blog is Running from the Little People. The winner has been contacted and has 3 days to claim their prize before I draw another name.
The prize is a gift basket valued at $50 filled with Bath and Body works products and a travel manicure or pedicure set in vanilla from Sweet Pea Cakes, etc. The contest was for the Bloggy Carnival! Did you miss it? See all about it here!
Posted by Sweet Pea Cakes Etc. Blog at 11:35 PM 2 comments
Winner of the $50 gift certificate from Bloggy Carnival is...
The winner is comment #70 Storm and her blog is Confessions of a Psychotic Housewife. The winner has been contacted and has 3 days to claim their prize before I draw another name.
The prize is a $50 gift certificate to Sweet Pea Cakes, etc. The contest was for the Bloggy Carnival. Did you miss it? See all about it here!
Posted by Sweet Pea Cakes Etc. Blog at 11:25 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Bloggy Carnival- Day 2 Giveaway
Posted by Sweet Pea Cakes Etc. Blog at 8:29 AM 155 comments
Monday, July 28, 2008
Bloggy Carnival- Day 1 Giveaway
Posted by Sweet Pea Cakes Etc. Blog at 9:37 AM 90 comments
Winners from the 100th Post Contest!
I am back in town and finally got all caught up in my work, orders, house cleaning, and summer fun with the kids that I can now post the winners to the contest that are way over due! I apologize to everyone who has been waiting. Now you had to answer all the questions correctly to then be entered into the drawing to win! Thank you to everyone who took the time to enter and to email me the results!!
Here are the answers and here are the winners:
1. Visit Monkey-Toes and look around. How many different pairs of shoes do they offer?
There are 11 pairs of shoes! (two different types of shoes but 11 designs)
2. Visit Baby Candy and check out the organic onesies. Finish this saying "Sugar in ......."
in the raw!
3. Hop over to A Frog in my Soup. How many little "frogs" are there and are they boys or girls?
There are 6 little boy frogs!
4. Munchie Mallow offers adorable accessories for your little girls. Name 3 things from her site.
She offers hair accessories, heart necklaces, tutus, flower hats, flower headbands, clippies.
5. When you can't have edible cake, you can have non-edible at Sweet Pea Cakes, etc. How many items come hidden in the cake? Name one.
15 items
1 handmade swaddle blanket, 2 handmade reversible bibs, Johnson & Johnson body wash, lotion, shampoo, and powder, soothing lotion, desitin, 2 binkie clips, 2 binkies, 2 baby items.
The winner of the $15 gift certificate is: Cindi Hoppes
The winner of the $5 Starbucks gift certificate is: Melissa Jennings
The winner of the onesie size 0-3 months is: (please let me know for boy or for girl): Michelle Rosborough
The winner of The Baby Gizmo Buying Guide is: Greta
All winners have been emailed and have 3 days to send me their address. If I don't hear from them I will draw new names! Thank you again for enterig! Check out my giveaways for the Bloggy Carnival this week!
Have a great week!
Posted by Sweet Pea Cakes Etc. Blog at 9:09 AM 3 comments
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Wordless Wednesday- Family Time
Posted by Sweet Pea Cakes Etc. Blog at 9:57 PM 20 comments
Labels: Wordless Wednesday
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
Wordless Wednesday- Passing the Test
Posted by Sweet Pea Cakes Etc. Blog at 9:52 PM 20 comments
Labels: Wordless Wednesday
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Wordless Wednesday- The Pond
Posted by Sweet Pea Cakes Etc. Blog at 9:58 PM 12 comments
Labels: Wordless Wednesday
Here it is.. post 100!! Party time!
Well it's been quite the road in the blogsphere this year! It started off with just a simple pink little blog with a post here and there. I wasn't sure who read it, what to write and even to go and read others. But after being involved with The MomPack and meeting mom bloggers, I have been introduced to the world of blogging. I found out about the product reviews (with help from Olivia owner of BabyCandy), contests, where to submit my products too, meme's, carnivals, stories and getting to make friends with other moms! It's been such a great experience. I also gave my blog a makeover courtesy of Shera from Sweet 'n Simple Designs, started offering product reviews, and hanging out at 5 Minutes for Mom!
So here it is post #100! I was trying to decide what kind of party to throw, what food to offer and prizes to giveaway! First, being its summer I think it's only fitting to have a beach party right here right now! So grab your bathing suit, towel, sunscreen and beach balls and lets held out to get some sun, drink some lemonade and relax by the pool. I have some ice cream sandwiches, cookies and fruit pizza for us to snack on!
Now on to prizes... I didn't even realize how close I was to #100 til it was too late. Otherwise I would have searched high and low for sponsors and giveaways and what not. But instead we are headed to the prize closet to see what we can pull out and giveaway! I have one last copy of The Baby Gizmo buying guide, $5 gift card to Starbucks, $15 gift certificate to Sweet Pea Cakes, etc. and a custom onesie size 0-3 months for the little baby. So now let's see what you have to do to win...
we are going on a scavenger hunt! You must go to all 5 places and come back here with all 5 CORRECT answers to win! Then I will draw 4 winners to receive 1 prize from the list above on July 9th! Winner will have 3 days to claim prize before I draw another winner! Good luck to everyone! Have fun and thanks for celebrating with me! *** NOTE it has been changed so that no one copies anyones answers, I am requesting that instead of leaving a comment here that you email me your answers and I will draw the names. My email is sweetpeacakesetc (at) yahoo (dot) com. I have turned off the comments but still have the people who left one in the drawing! Thank you! ***
1. Visit Monkey-Toes and look around. How many different pairs of shoes do they offer?
2. Visit Baby Candy and check out the organic onesies. Finish this saying "Sugar in ......."
3. Hop over to A Frog in my Soup. How many little "frogs" are there and are they boys or girls?
4. Munchie Mallow offers adorable accessories for your little girls. Name 3 things from her site.
5. When you can't have edible cake, you can have non-edible at Sweet Pea Cakes, etc. How many items come hidden in the cake? Name one.
OK that's it! Have fun and good luck! Check back to see who wins. Make sure to leave a valid email address in your comment so I can contact you. Watch for an email from sweetpeacakesetc (at) yahoo (dot) com!
Friday, June 20, 2008
#99 and when we hit 100 It's party time!
This post right here is post number 99! I can not believe it. So I thought when I write post 100 it should have some kind of celebration... a party.... maybe a giveaway of sorts. So you will have to visit back this weekend and see what happens!! Up ahead I will have a product review for Parking Pal!! I just need to get some pictures of the kids and get that posted up. You will love this one!
This week I have been slacking a bit in the blogging department. I didn't get a Tackle it Tuesday post up, I got the Wordless Wednesday up DURING the day on Wednesday instead of Tuesday night, I didn't even make it to Works for Me Wednesday! It has been a bit crazy. I have been trying to come up with some new cake designs for the website. I have also been trying to "find" my website on Google. Just a few weeks ago I was bouncing between page 2 and page 3 for diaper cakes, THEN I DISAPPEARED. I have no idea what happened. I show up on page 2 for diaper cake centerpieces, I believe page 3 or 5 for diaper cupcakes, page 1 for wedding towel cakes and organic diaper cakes and so forth. So I have no idea what happened. I am trying not to lose sleep over it but I am. I am still working on getting my products into gift shops and they are now in a hospital gift shop in New Hampshire. :) I also have about 10 websites drop shipping the exclusive diaper cakes. I decided to design cakes that were only for whole sale and drop shipping and not available on my site to keep people buying from the other retailers and not traveling over to shop. So we will see how that goes.
Now onto the next thing: my part time job. I got tired of my child support coming in whenever it wanted and I was also nervous how my sales would be this summer since last summer was beyond SLOW. But of course the first weekend of June I had multiple orders every day and I actually got child support. And now I am stuck with a job. It's not too bad just a few hours a day in the afternoon while Peanut naps at Grandma's and Monkey plays with the neighbor kids. I make calls for an Insurance company and then go back home to work on Sweet Pea Cakes. I guess as a single mom you've got to do what you got to do right?
UGH then there is all the cleaning and laundry to do which is just not that fun during the summer months when you want to take the kids to the pool, park, zoo, museums and everything else OUTSIDE. How does one stay motivated?!?!? I have been enjoying penciling in some time for myself to read each night. I find it helps clear my head and relieve some stress. I am hoping to finish a book a week for the rest of the summer. **crossing fingers**
This weekend I am going to be setting up a booth at the local park for a summer event by my friends realty group. I am hoping it brings in some good exposure and that I don't get sun burned. I also am joining in with a great group of WAHM for a Summer Sample Sale at a local cupcake bakery in Denver. I am really excited about this. I think this will be a fun way to display some great local companies and enjoy some sweets too. We haven't done this before so it will be a great way to see what this brings for each company.
So how is your summer going? What are some unique ways you are having fun? What would you like to see at the 100th Post Party??
Hey can you believe all these floods and tornadoes? The economy stinks and now we have Mother Nature kicking us while we are down? What can we do to help???
Posted by Sweet Pea Cakes Etc. Blog at 10:06 PM 4 comments
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Wordless Wednesday- Flowers
Posted by Sweet Pea Cakes Etc. Blog at 9:41 AM 6 comments
Labels: Wordless Wednesday
Monday, June 16, 2008
Sensational Sunday
With yesterday being Father's Day, I did not get the Sensational Sunday post up! But here it is anyway, just a day late.
When it comes to love and our children, love is not hard at all. While they try our patients, create messes, run and scream, at the end of the day they are still our children we love deeply. At times it can be straining to give all children their own undivided attention, especially if you have several children, but how important it is that we do. While being present with them at the dinner table, at bath time, cleaning up after them is part of the daily routine, actually spending quality time to find out who they are is number 1, and often the last thing done.
Finding activities to do as a family is a great thing to do. But I have found too that I must schedule play dates individually with each of my girls. Not only because of their age difference but because they have very different personalities. My little one gets her one on one play time, walks, reading and cuddle time, while my oldest gets trips out and about, talks over ice cream, spending time writing together and reading.
As they get older and hit the teen years, I am hoping we continue to do this. I want to be able to protect them and for them to seek comfort in their family life instead of adding to their already stressful teen years. What are you doing with your children? How are you creating a trusting, loving environment to soften the busy work week?
At church our pastor played a video, to remind parents on protecting their children with their "wings" just as Jesus did with his. Instead of adding heat to our children's desert, we should be a spot for shade and rest. Here is the video:
I love this song too. It's "Everything" by Lifehouse. :)
Have fun with your kids this week!
Posted by Sweet Pea Cakes Etc. Blog at 10:07 AM 1 comments
Labels: sensational sunday
Saturday, June 14, 2008
Winners and Contests
The winner of the Sweet Pea Cakes, etc. contest for a $50 gift certificate is....
comment #13- Mattie. Winner has been left a comment on her blog and has 5 days to claim her prize!
Thank you all for stopping by! This month we will be offering FREE SHIPPING and other giveaways! Be sure to check Sweet Pea Cakes, etc. often!
In the meantime, here is another contest you can enter:
Little Ladybug Designs is giving away a custom mommy calling card design to one lucky winner! The contest ends June 30th at 6:00pm. The design is designed with Vista Print's specifications so that you can print your own cards.
Visit http://www.littleladybugdesigns.com/contact.php to Enter the Little Ladybug Designs Mommy Calling Card Design Contest!!! Please put Mommy Calling Card Contest in the comments box. All contest entries will be added to our newsletter list. Winners will be picked randomly. Only one entry per per person.
Have a great weekend! Stop by tomorrow for Sensational Sunday and new updates!
Posted by Sweet Pea Cakes Etc. Blog at 11:52 AM 2 comments
Labels: contests
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Wordless Wednesday- Baseball Games
Posted by Sweet Pea Cakes Etc. Blog at 9:45 PM 7 comments
Labels: Wordless Wednesday
Sunday, June 8, 2008
Sensational Sunday
This Sunday I just want to put in a little saying or quote if you will, that can get you inspired to think about where you are at in life. How do you react when something goes wrong? How do you handle pressure? When you get stressed out do you find yourself taking it out on the kids? Your husband? Your wife? Anyone around you? How do you "reconnect"? I have found breathing deep, listening to relaxing music, lighting some candles and meditating has really helped me reach a new found sense of clarity, calm and reconnect to what is important to me.
Posted by Sweet Pea Cakes Etc. Blog at 11:19 PM 1 comments
Labels: sensational sunday
Lemonade, baseball and fun!
I haven't gotten to post much lately since the big day was finally here! Yes that's right Lemonade Days arrived! It was finally time for Monkey to set up her charity lemonade stand to raise money for Alex's Lemonade Stand Foundation! There was a lot to do to prepare for it and the last finishing touches on the stand needed to be made. Friday morning we were running a bit behind trying to get balloons and ice and get set up that we missed FOX news! But that's ok our local paper came to take pictures and Saturday came to interview us. It was HOT on Friday and Monkey ended up a bit sunburned after being outside for 5 hours! But day 1 was busy and we had a decent turn out. On Saturday Channel 2 News came out and we ended up on the 9:00 news! Very exciting. We had a better turnout although we were hoping to have a flood of people. But there is always next year. We are still excepting donations online til early next year. Our plan is to set up the lemonade stand every year and help collect money to find a cure for childhood cancer! Maybe we will get others to hold one too. It was very enjoyable and I had a great time hanging with my daughter knowing she was doing something good for other children. It wasn't about her it was about what she can do to help others, since she is a smart and healthy girl! I hope that she feels inspired to do more as time goes on.
Posted by Sweet Pea Cakes Etc. Blog at 11:00 PM 0 comments
Labels: About Me